Distributors get ALL 7 of our Unlimited Licenses for
for one small monthly fee. This includes ALL 7 Unlimited Master PDF Certificates that you can print out to distribute or email to consumers.
Standard Purchase Certificates can be sold in quantity business/organizations.
For example, if our minimum on a $100 My Entertainment Card is 25 Certificates, you can sell them to a business/organization with a minum order of 25 or increase it to 50 or 100, etc it's up to you. You can also charge whatever price you want for the Certificates. Whatever you charge above your cost is your profit. It's as simple as that. YOU control how much money you want to make. You are NOT handcuffed by being forced to have businesses sign up for a monthly plan and making a few dollars a month.
This is a real $100 + a month value.
For example. if a similar benefit is purchased from other companies, it would cost about:
This Bonus Benefit is included at no cost as long as the Distribtuor's membership is active and in good standing.
Your Complete Benefits Plan is useable for as long as your Distributor Membership is paid and in good standing.
This is not insurance
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