This Independent Distributor Agreement is established between the Company and the individual/business/organization signing up as a Distributor.
The Distributor agrees not to sell, barter or exchange any of the Certificates to end users or on an individual basis. The Certificates may not be referred to as a Free Gift due to the Redemption Fees, taxes or fees that might be due. Doing so will result in immediate termination of this Agreement and all benefits associated with it, including but not limited to commissions of any kind as of the date of the termination of the agreement.
The Distributor agrees to hold Pinnacle Strategies, Inc. and its associated companies harmless against any unforeseen events impacting certificate issuance or fulfillment, including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, severe weather conditions, power failures, internet disruptions, or any occurrences with the issuing company which may interfere with the certificates.
Either the Distributor or Company may cancel this agreement at any time for any reason by sending an email to the email address of record.
The Company will notify Distributor of any changes, additions or deletions with the Certificates as they become aware of them.
Cancellation of this Agreement by the Distributor must be made at least 7 business days prior to the next billing cycle date to stop the next monthly billing. No redemption fee commissions will be considered earned and payable after the Agreement cancellation date.
Redemption Fee commissions are only payable while this agreement is in force and the Distributor monthly payments are up to date for the month in which the commission payment is paid out..
The Free Bonus of the Complete Benefits Plan is for a period of up to 12 months as long as the Distributor continues to pay their monthly membership fee.
The Distributor understands all Unlimited Certificates must include a business/organization name, address, phone or email which will be inserted on the Certificate by the Company. Certificates cannot be altered by removing or adding any information, logo’s etc. and doing so renders the Certificate void and the Distributor’s agreement Terminated.
Distributor’s have a single user License and can only be used by the business/organization whose name is on the License.
Redemption fee commissions are paid the month following the payment processing of the fees. Redemption Fee commissions are only paid to the Distributor whose ID # was entered by the end user during the certificate redemption process. The Company is not responsible for any errors in the end user entering the ID # or neglecting to enter it.
This agreement is binding by the state of Illinois and if any part of this agreement is found to be unenforceable the remaining parts will still be enforceable.
By completing the Distributor payment process the Distributor accepts and agrees to all the terms of this agreement.
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